Saturday, May 5, 2012

Son of Man: Hiding in Plain Sight

"Everything we see hides another thing; we always want to see what is hidden by what we see, that it is impossible. Humans hide their secrets too well."
- Rene Magritte

Surrealist Rene Magritte's (1898-1967)  Son of Man

Rene Magritte's art seems to point a silent finger to things we'd rather not recognize.  In Son of Man (a self portrait, by the way), he stands in front of a low brick wall with a sea and clouds beyond the wall.  But there's an apple floating in front of his face.  It forces a question of what each of us is hiding, right there in plain sight, where everyone can see it.

Apples, in Christianity, symbolizes the forbidden fruit.  It generally represents knowledge.  However, knowledge isn't particular about good and bad.  So, what does the apple in his painting mean?

Several of his creations show people doing normal things, but their faces are obscured, such as in The Lovers.  They're hiding themselves from the world, from each other, from the eyes of the artist...

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