“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.
Fantasy is a
necessary ingredient
in living, It's a way of
looking at life through the
Fantasy is a
necessary ingredient
in living, It's a way of
looking at life through the
wrong end
of a telescope.”
~ Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss is inspirational to the art community on so many levels. All his artwork is so "out-of-bounds" in colors that are unexpected and bold. Even his wonderful trees, from the Lorax, are spectacular in their design and color. They don't look like our trees at all, but when anyone who's ever seen Dr. Seuss' work looks at his lovely puffy fluffy trees, you can tell exactly what they are.
His fish are the same way. Last I knew, our fish were pretty sleek and, forgive me for saying it, but slippery and slimy looking. They have eyeballs on either side of their heads, for the most part. They are NOT endearing, in my opinion. But Dr. Seuss' fish look a little like puppies. They seem to have fur and look nice to pet. They're friendly in his books, rather than aloof and non-committal. Who could resist such "fish?"
Art gives the beholder and the creator a whole new world to create *ANYTHING* your minds can imagine. I've heard of people calling their imagination their "image machine." I really think that shows through very clear in the art of Dr. Seuss.
And here's a little interesting tidbit about how to say Seuss properly. Found at the official Dr. Seuss site at Random House books, his publisher, and it confirmed this quiet fact:
“If you want to pronounce the name the way his family did, say Zoice, not Soose. Seuss is a Bavarian name, and was his mother’s maiden name: Henrietta Seuss’s parents emigrated from Bavaria (part of modern-day Germany) in the nineteenth century. Seuss was also his middle name.”
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