Friday, November 16, 2012

Monday Artday!

I just found a fun website/blog called Monday Artday.  They have a weekly challenge, like our Try It Tuesday and Illustration Friday, but their day is Monday!  :)  I think I'll post their challenges over on our trading site, too.

I'm a little concerned that some kids may think they need to do it all.  All the challenges, all the art on every day of the week, all the fun stuff over there.  So, just for the record, you get to be picky!  You don't have to do *any* of them, if you don't feel like it.  We don't in our house!  Sometimes, you just gotta go with the flow and it's not anyone else's flow that counts - just yours.


If you don't know what to draw/paint/mold or hammer into leather/metal, then there's gobs of ideas out there for you to pull from.  *AND* you don't have to do the most recent thing - if there's a topic you like that was from a month ago and you feel like doing that one instead of the current one, you go right ahead and do that!

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