Thursday, July 5, 2012

News and goings on

You're probably most anxious for some details about when the trading section of our site is going to be opened again...  So, here's the skinny on what's up.  I've chosen our new software and it's going to be Oxwall!  It's a free open source social network software that's really grown up from the last time I looked at it.  If you'd like to see how it works, I do have a test of it set up at  That's not going to be the final ATCsJr social network, though, so if you sign up, just know that it's a temporary set up to test on and see what I'm thinking the interface will be like.  Currently, on that site, there's ads.  There won't be ads on our network once I've got it installed on my own servers, though.  So, if you head out there and poke around, you'll have to just trust me that those things are going away and resolve to ignore them for now.  Deal?
Our lavender is just about ready to harvest!
It'll take a whole weekend to get it harvested and hung up to dry.

Where I had hoped to have us all back up and running on our new home by tomorrow, I don't think it's going to happen unless there's some miracle.  I'm having a little difficulty getting Oxwall installed on my server at ATCsJr, though, so I've had to bump the problem up to the developers at Oxwall.  But maybe if we all cross our fingers, toes, eyes, arms and legs we'll be able to come up with that miracle?

I'm so excited to roll this out for everyone, I can't hardly stand the wait!  There's lots of similarities between this software and the Ning sites.  It's easy to lock down, for great security, & it looks like I can make sure you don't have to be a certain age to join (but that you have to go through me to get an account).  Over all, it looks like it'll be perfect.  If I can get it installed!  lol.

This used to be a nice place to sit and draw.
Now, it's the seat of the wild roses taking it over.  It still makes
for a beautiful subject, though, don't you think?
Right now, my email is a little messed up, too, so please don't email "jayme atsign atcsjr dotcom" for the time being.  Email "jayme atsign chocolateoniondotcom" instead.  It's a surefire way to get hold of me!  I keep both, just in case of things like what's going on right now!  I'll update this blog when I get the green light for my original email addy.

My latest piece of art, though it's not an ATC.
I did a watercolor background, then, because I didn't have
liquid masking to keep the flower petals white, I used
acrylics to do the flowers and dark thrushes in the foreground.
 Hope you're all having a spectacular summer so far!

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