It was a fun process, too! I used recycled material throughout the whole thing. The top piece is made from the top center of a #6 plastic clam shell that our Russian cakes came in.
I used Sharpie markers to make my design.
Then I cooked it in the toaster oven! Yup, ~275 degrees (F) for about 6 minutes on the parchment paper seen in the picture above. It shriveled all up and curled around itself. I had to flatten it back out a little and put something heavy on it to sort of get it to lay down again.
Then I covered a recycled cardboard ATC card (I just cut it out from the bottom of small package) with this flashing leftovers:
Then I put a neat little design in the flashing and lined up the plastic:
I used E-6000 glue to fix them to each other and added a few final swirls to the metal bits... I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!
I call it Emotions. The depth and movement, darkness and light... It's even got a well in the middle of the plastic - a well of emotions. :)
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